SURVEY in English Village, Pare, Kediri, East Java

Assalamu`alaikum Wr. Wb..
Alhamdulillah, Saverals days ago, I could to visited English Village, Pare Kediri. I studied in Access ES course and Al Azhar Arabic Course. When studying in Access, I choose Speaking 2 program.  And I got task to survey in english village and yhen presentation in front off the class about my survey result.  and my coach said that the respondent is 25 people. Finally, I choose a topic of Survey about Camp/Dormitory and Boarding House.
The Question is : “If you go to english village, pare, kediri, you will choose to stay in :
A.      Camp/Dormitory
B.      Boarding House
And what is your reason ?? …………………………
And I have survey for 25 people at Sunday, 6 July 2014. Not only the people who stay in my boarding house, Brata House, but also I ask to the people who stay in camp, and I ask also to people randomly, when they in beside of the road, hehe..
Ok guys, here I want to explain about the result  of my little survey, hehe … 
60 %People choose to stay in Camp/Dormitory. So, 15 of 25 people choose to stay in Camp/doemitory. What is their reasen ? Most of people said that if they stay in camp/dormitory, they can Practice their english, then can improve their english, and after that becouse there are addition pragram in camp. The next reason is have many friends and more effective.
32 %people choose to stay in Boarding House. So, 8 of 25 people choose to stay in boarding huse. What is their reason ? most of them said that they can study in other place or more than one course. The next reason is they can gotta facus to program that they choose. And nthen they said that they canmenage their tmi/schedule as they can, and the next result is more comfortable.

3.       BOTH OF THEM
8 %people choose both of them, so only 2 people choose to stay in camp and boarding house. Why ? becouse both of them have each function.

So, If we confused between camp and boarding house. We must according to our purpose and our need.. ^^

Hope this article benefit to you guys, hehe.. and please correct my article, especially about grammar. Thanks for your Attention,,, Wassalamu`alaikum Wr. Wb.

