Contoh Sinonim dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh Sinonim dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta artinya :
Beautiful = Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, ( ADJECTIVE )= Menarik, CantikFair = Just, Objective, Impartial ( ADJECTIVE )= AdilFunny = Humorous, Hilarious, Hysterical ( ADJECTIVE )= LucuHappy = Content, Joyful, Upbeat ( ADJECTIVE )= BahagiaHardworking = Diligent, Determined, Enterprising ( ADJECTIVE )= Rajin, pekerja kerasHonest = Honorable, Fair, Trustworthy ( ADJECTIVE )= JujurIntelligent = Smart, Bright, Brilliant, ( ADJECTIVE )= CerdasIntroverted = Shy, Bashful, Withdrawn ( ADJECTIVE )= PemaluKind = Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, ( ADJECTIVE )= Ramah, BaikLazy = Idle, Lethargic, Indolent ( ADJECTIVE )= PemalasMean = Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Difficult ( ADJECTIVE )= tidak menyenangkanOutgoing = Friendly, Sociable, Extroverted ( ADJECTIVE )= Mudah bergaulRich = Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, ( ADJECTIVE )= KayaStrong = Stable, Solid, Tough ( ADJECTIVE )= KuatUnhappy = Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable ( ADJECTIVE )= SedihLucky = Auspicious, Fortunate ( ADJECTIVE )= BeruntungPositive = Optimistic, Cheerful, Sanguine ( ADJECTIVE )= OptimisBossy = Controlling, Tyrannical ( ADJECTIVE )= Suka memerintahBaffle = confuse, deceive ( ADJECTIVE )= membingunkanHypocrisy = falseness ( NOUN )= KemunafikanPacify: appease, placate ( ADJECTIVE )= menenangkanRecalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn ( ADJECTIVE )= Keras KepalaTurbulent: disordered, violent ( ADJECTIVE )= PenyimpanganValid: authorized, legitimate ( ADJECTIVE )= SahOld : antiquated, ancient, extinct, past, prehistoric ( ADJECTIVE )= TuaTrue: genuine, reliable, factual, correct, real ( ADJECTIVE )= BenarImportant: substantial, vital, essential, primary ( ADJECTIVE )= PentingWeak: frail, anemic, feeble, languid, fragile ( ADJECTIVE )= Lemah100 SINONIM DAN ANTONIM DALAM BAHASA INGGRISDibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh Antonim dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta artinya :Fat and skinny ( Gemuk dan kurus )Young and old ( Muda dan Tua )Happy and sad ( Senang dan Sedih )Hard and soft ( Keras dan Lembut )Last and first ( Terakhir dan Pertama )Foolish and wise ( Bodoh dan Bijak )Fast and slow ( Cepat dan Lambat )Warm and cool ( Hangat dan Dingin )Wide and narrow ( Luas dan Sempit )Abundant and scarce ( Berlebihan dan Kekurangan )Joy and grief ( Kesenangan dan Kesedihan )Dark and Light ( Kegelapan dan Terang )Dangerous and safe ( Bahaya dan Aman )Clever and foolish ( Pandai dan Bodoh )Early and late ( Lebih Awal dan Terlambat )Empty and full ( Kosong dan Penuh )Smart and dumb ( Cerdas dan Bodoh )Risky and safe ( Beresiko dan Aman )Bad and good ( Buruk dan Baik )Pretty and ugly ( Cantik dan Jelek )Best and worst ( Terbaik dan Terburuk )Simple and challenging ( Sederhana dan Menantang )Soft and hard ( Lembut dan Keras )Worried and calm ( Khawatir dan Santai )Sane and crazy ( Normal dan Gila )Rich and poor ( Kaya dan Miskin )Cool and hot ( Dingin dan Panas )Wet and dry ( Basah dan Kering )Big and small ( Besar dan Kecil )Optimistic and pessimisticExcited and bored ( Mengagumkan dan Membosankan )

Semoga Bermanfaat :)
